Event Announcements

Event Announcements


Wildlife Event 2025: Building Balancing Update

We will be applying a balancing update for several Wildlife Event buildings on January 22nd.

Adjustments to the Shika Shrine, Momiji Shrine and Momijidori Shrine

Note: The Forge Point production has been added to all levels of the Shika Shrine - in favour of a simpler overview we have only listed details for the last levels.
Shika Shrine - Lv. 9
Momiji Shrine
Momijidori Shrine
When motivated:
+ 45 b3b5d33af3453431928b17a8f4104deb
When motivated:
+ 48 b3b5d33af3453431928b17a8f4104deb
When motivated:
+ 51 b3b5d33af3453431928b17a8f4104deb
Note: No changes to the existing Forge Point Packs random production, this Forge Point production is on top of that
Increased 95f884cc4735647314fb8b2e138eed8c
  • from 26% - 47% to 40% - 61%
Increased 95f884cc4735647314fb8b2e138eed8c
  • from 30%-51% to 46%-67%
Increased 95f884cc4735647314fb8b2e138eed8c
  • from 34%-55% to 52%-73%
Note: Due to the new scaling of this boost, it had to be reduced very slightly on level 1 of the building, but beginning with level 3 it will see an increase up to the values mentioned above

Adjustments to the Koi Pond and Ascended Koi Pond

Koi PondAscended Koi Pond
Added 8b46ce5c272a4ddfe2de37678886d352
  • 7% - 18%
Added 8b46ce5c272a4ddfe2de37678886d352
  • 16% - 37%
Added 87cdc25778061a415b65d11bcec0a944
  • 660 - 16,010
Added 87cdc25778061a415b65d11bcec0a944
  • 1320 - 32,030

We hope you like these adjustments!
Your Forge of Empires Team
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