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How can I switch worlds?

Game worlds allow you to play multiple Cities within the same game account. Example: you play on the International server ( You log in using one set of account credentials per server. However, once you have logged in, you can create multiple Cities within the same account by simply switching worlds. If you already have an account, you can do it by following instructions below:

From the City

1. Click the power button icon in the top right corner of the window4b2837db9c087f03aeccaec6c6262b772. Choose "Switch worlds"
3. On the following "World selection" window, choose from one of the Active worlds (if you have many) or create a new one by clicking on a wold name under "Suggestion" and "Available worlds" 
From the homepage

1. Login and click PLAY
2. On the following window, select one of the worlds you've already played in or start a new game in a new one. You can select a recommended world or any of the other available ones.
From the City

1. Select Settings >> Game Settings tab
2. Click Select World 
3. Switch to a world you've already played in or create a new one

If you aren't logged in yet, you will be prompted to select your world after you do.

Happy exploration!
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