


Henry's garden

Questline is available every year from 28.08 00:00 to 31.10 23:59 for players who:
  • Reached level 170
  • Finished questline "Save the Saloon, part 2"
Quest name Harvest is over
Employer Henry
Requirement  Miners' Burger x2
Reward 800
Henry's list

Quest name Time to relax
Employer Henry
Requirement  Coffee x1
Exquisite Liquor x1
Bee wax x2
Fire x2
Reward 800

Quest name Fertilizing
Employer Corn field
Requirement  Fertilizer  x2
Picking Mushrooms 2hrs
Reward 1200
Additional requirement Wear Henry's list to have access to this quest

Quest name Prevent the dry weather
Employer Indian village
Requirement  Dancing the Rain Dance x40
Reward 1500
Purple Waupee's feather hat
Additional requirement Wear Henry's list to have access to this quest

Quest name Prevent attacks
Employer Corn field
Requirement  Capture net x5
Rust-proof bolts  x2
Hammer x1
Spike x10
Barbed wire x10
Resolve "Field's area"
Reward 1700
Additional requirement Wear Henry's list to have access to this quest

Quest name Field's area
Employer Henry
Requirement  Work as a Cartographer 3hrs
Reward 1800
Additional requirement Wear Henry's list to have access to this quest
Accept "Prevent attacks" to have access to this quest

Quest name Rabbits can be dangerous
Employer Corn field
Requirement  Hunting Rabbits 5hrs
Setting Traps 2hr
Reward 2000
Additional requirement Wear Henry's list to have access to this quest

Quest name Henry is rested
Employer Henry
Requirement  Henry's list
Reward Potion of Some Wisdom
Green letter
Can of spinach
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