Employer |
Quest name
Requirement |
Additional requirement
Reward |
The other tribes |
 Whiskey x6
 Puma skin x
 Semi-precious stones x15
 Cigarettes x5
- |
7500 Experience points |
War preparations
Wood x40
Lasso x20
Beaver trap x10 |
3500 Experience points |
Building palisades |
Build palisades 10 hours |
- |
3000 Experience points |
Where are the weapons |
Bow x30
Item drop
Bartering with Indians
Gun x10
Item drop
Serving in the army Rounds x10 |
- |
6000 Experience points |
The Cree scouts |
Defeat Cree scout |
- |
2500 Experience points |
Another scout |
Defeat Experienced Cree scout |
- |
3000 Experience points
The echelon |
Defeat Cree warrior |
- |
5000 Experience points |
There could be peace |
- |
- |
1050 Experience points |
Chief Mistawasis
NPC location

The meeting with the Cree chief |
Go to Chief Mistawasis
NPC location

Equip Fist |
750 Experience points |
Chief Mistawasis
NPC location

Preparations for peace negotiations |
Go to Chief Mistawasis
NPC location
 Calumet x2
Tobacco x12 |
- |
750 Experience points |
Chief Mistawasis
NPC location

The peace negotiations |
Go to Chief Mistawasis
NPC location
 Peace negotiations 48 hours |
- |
12500 Experience points |
Chief Mistawasis
NPC location

Parting from Mistawasis |
Go to Chief Mistawasis
NPC location

- |
Wooden box
Sacajawea's pants
Indian Belt |
Tribal gathering |
Chasing bandits 8 hours
Break up gangs 8 hours
Bounty hunter 8 hours |
Resolve quest "The Path of the Bear" form questline "Animal Spirits"
Resolve quest "The Path of the Puma" from questline "Animal Spirits"
Resolve quest "The Path of the Eagle" from questline "Animal Spirits"
Resolve quest "The Path of the Snake" from questline "Animal Spirits" |
2500 Experience points |
Waupee's Indian village
NPC location

Cleanup efforts |
Go to Waupee's Indian village
NPC location
 Totem of the Snakes x1
Item drop
Resolve quest "Totem of the Snakes" Work in Repair fences Totem of the Pumas x1
Item drop
Resolve quest "Totem of the Pumas"
Work in Iron mining
Gold dust x9 Totem of the Eagles x1
Item drop
Resolve quest "Totem of the Eagles"
Work in Silver mining
Silver x15 Totem of the Bears x1
Item drop
Resolve quest "Totem of the Bears"
Work in Dig for rare gemstones
Semi-precious stones x20
Hay x10
Wood x15
Coal x5
Nails x15 |
- |
3000 Experience points |
Holy rock
NPC location

Totem of the Snakes |
Go to Holy rock
NPC location
 Snake x1 |
Accept quest "Cleanup efforts"
Equip Snake
Go to Holy rock
NPC location

700 Experience points |
Holy rock
NPC location

Totem of the Pumas
Go to Holy rock
NPC location
 Puma x1 |
Accept quest "Cleanup efforts"
Equip Puma Go to Holy rock
NPC location

700 Experience points
Holy rock
NPC location

Totem of the Eagles
Go to Holy rock
NPC location
 Sea Eagle x1
Accept quest "Cleanup efforts"
Equip Sea Eagle Go to Holy rock
NPC location

700 Experience points
Holy rock
NPC location

Totem of the Bears
Go to Holy rock
NPC location
 Grizzly Bear x1
Accept quest "Cleanup efforts"
Equip Grizzly Bear Go to Holy rock
NPC location

700 Experience points
Waupee's Indian village
NPC location

Go to Waupee's Indian village
NPC location
 Semi-precious stones x10
Fool's gold x10
Eagle featherx2
Lotus blossom x1
Peace flower x1
Golden figurine x2
1500 Experience points
Waupee's Indian village
NPC location

Provisions |
Go to Waupee's Indian village
NPC location
 Salmon x10
Trout x10
Crab meat x2
Blueberries x15
Flour x10
Corn 15/15
2500 Experience points |
Waupee's Indian village
NPC location

Go to Waupee's Indian village
NPC location

You can complete this quest on a Sunday.
Equip Indian feather hat
Equip Indian clothing
Equip Moccasins
Equip Golden Indian necklace
Equip Mustang
Equip Brown Indian pants
Equip Indian Belt
1500 Experience points
Waupee's Indian village
NPC location

Tactical retreat
Go to Waupee's Indian village
NPC location
