Jaké jsou v bitvách budovy a co dělají?

Na mapě bojiště může mít každá provincie 1 až 3 sloty, na kterých lze stavět budovy. Kdokoli může darovat zboží do cechovní pokladny, aby pomohl uhradit náklady, ale pouze členové se speciální rolí cechu („stavitel bitevního pole“) mohou stavět budovy v provinciích vlastněných jejich cechem. Každý ‚zakladatel‘ a ‚vůdce‘ cechu bude mít automaticky také tuto roli.
Pouze éry, které jsou zastoupeny v cechu, určují náklady na budovy provincie (zboží státní pokladny). Tyto provinční budovy mají dobu výstavby a je možné kdykoli zrušit nebo odstranit stavbu, aby se uvolnilo místo pro jinou budovu. V takovém případě se vynaložené prostředky nevrací do státní pokladny.
Když je provincie dobyta jinou gildou, každá budova (včetně těch ve výstavbě) má 50% šanci, že bude zničena, a ty zbývající budou přínosem pro nového vlastníka. K dispozici je 9 různých strategických budov, takže se ujistěte, že je vybíráte moudře.
Návnady, pasti a strážní věžeTři původní budovy CB. Pokud vaši nepřátelé bojují/vyjednávají v provincii s pastmi nebo návnadami, existuje šance, že utrpí dvojnásobné opotřebení..
Budova |
Název |
Co dělá |
Cena |
Doba výstavby | Cena za okamžité dokončení |
Decoys |
If an enemy fights or negotiates to conquer this province, there is a chance of 15% that this enemy will suffer double the amount of attrition. |
Any empty slot, excluding starting province |
500 |
4:00:00 |
50  |
Traps |
If an enemy fights or negotiates to conquer this province, there is a chance of 45% that this enemy will suffer double the amount of attrition. |
Any empty slot, excluding starting province |
3,000 |
5:00:00 |
50  |
Watchtower |
If members of the owning guild of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a 8% chance to not increase their attrition level. |
Any empty slot, excluding starting province
500 |
1:00:00 |
50  |
These buildings can only be build in your Guild starting province and provide 26-80% chance reduction to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces). All provinces generate 25-100% more victory points. Every Guild starting province will have just one building slot.
The Guild Starting province can not be conquered by other guilds.
Building |
Name |
Properties |
Location |
Costs |
Construction Time |
Instant Construction price |
Improvised Guild Fieldcamp |
If members of the owning guilds of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a 26% chance to not increate their attrition level. Your guild generates 25% more victory points. |
can only be build in your Guild starting province |
25000 |
6:00:00 |
Guild Fieldcamp |
If members of the owning guilds of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a 52% chance to not increate their attrition level. Your guild generates 50% more victory points. |
can only be build in your Guild starting province |
40000 |
12:00:00 |
Fortified Guild Fieldcamp |
If members of the owning guilds of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a 80% chance to not increate their attrition level. Your guild generates 100% more victory points. |
can only be build in your Guild starting province |
75000 |
24:00:00 |
These buildings can be build on any empty slot, excluding starting province and provide 20-60% chance reduction to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces). The province also requires 5-30% more advances to be conquered
Building |
Name |
Properties |
Location |
Costs |
Construction Time |
Instant Construction price
Improvised Barracks
20% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces) This province requires +5% advances to be conquered
Any empty slot, excluding starting province |
2800  |
40% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces) This province requires +10% advances to be conquered
Any empty slot, excluding starting province |
5000  |
2:30:00 |
Fortified Barracks
60% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces) This province requires +30% advances to be conquered
Any empty slot, excluding starting province |
6800 |
Guild Command Posts
The Guild Command Posts gives 20-60% chance reduction to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces) as well as requires 5-30% more advances to be conquered and can generate 15-100% more victory points every hour.
Building |
Name |
Properties |
<Location |
Costs |
Construction Time |
Instant Construction price
Improvised Guild Command Post
If members of the owning guilds of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a 26% chance to not increate their attrition level. Your guild generates 25% more victory points.
Any empty slot, excluding starting province |
2900  |
Forward Guild Command Post
-40% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces) This province requires +10% advances to be conquered This province generates 30% more victory points.
Any empty slot, excluding starting province |
5200 |
2:30:00 |
Fortified Guild Command Post
-60% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces) This province requires +30% advances to be conquered This province generates 100% more victory points.
Any empty slot, excluding starting province |
7000 |
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