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What are those Incidents around and in my city?

Every now and then, you can expect small, unusual events to take place in your city or in its vicinity. When you find and click or tap it, you will receive a small reward. These incidents can appear in your city - on the roads, as well as outside - in the wilderness, on the shore, or even on water!
You can expect to find 10 to 15 incidents every day and every incident is available for 24 hours after appearing, so make sure to search for them regularly.

Common IncidentIcon coins.png CoinsIcon supplies.png SuppliesIcon medal.png MedalsBazaar 4.png GoodsHidden reward incident fisherman.pngHidden reward incident castaway.pngHidden reward incident sos.pngHidden reward incident flotsam.pngHidden reward incident pothole 2x2.pngHidden reward incident fallen tree 2x2.pngHidden reward incident overgrowth.png Hidden reward incident clothesline.pngHidden reward incident crates.pngHidden reward incident treasure chest.pngHidden reward incident fruit vendor.pngHidden reward incident kite.pngHidden reward incident beehive.pngHidden reward incident broken cart.png
Uncommon IncidentSmall fp.png Forge PointsBazaar 4.png GoodsIcon medal.png MedalsSmall blueprint.png BlueprintIcon quest motivate one.png Self Aid KitHidden reward incident shipwreck.pngHidden reward incident blocked road 1x1.pngHidden reward incident stick hut.pngHidden reward incident mammoth bones.pngHidden reward incident dinosaur bones.png Hidden reward incident statue.pngHidden reward incident wine cask.png
Rare IncidentSmall diamond.png DiamondsSmall fp.png Forge PointsBazaar 4.png GoodsIcon boost coins large.png Coins Boost (small)Icon boost supplies large.png Supplies Boost (small)Hidden reward incident rhino.pngHidden reward incident musician.png
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