Events 2024

Events 2024


Wildlife: Which Block Types Are Related To Which Rewards?

There are five different blocks, and each different color type offers a different Reward!

With five or more matches of the Blue Acorn, you will create a blue Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Forge Points
With five or more matches of the Green Leaf, you will create a Green Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Coins, Supplies, or Boost & Rush Items.
With five or more matches of the Yellow Flower, you will create a Yellow Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Goods
With five or more matches of the Orange Carrot, you will create an Orange Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Medals or Blueprints.
With five or more matches of the Red Apple, you will create a Red Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Army Units
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