We will release version 1.297 on Monday the 2nd of December on International market, and Wednesdaythe 4th of December on all other markets. There will be a short downtime during the update. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Community Sprint
We implemented some more of the still open topics from the last community sprint:
FOE-85038 & FOE-85318: Similar to mobile, we made improvements to the Army Overview to better show if you are attacking or defending. When defending, a shield icon is displayed, the enemy army field is colored blue, and the "Attack" button is renamed to "Defend."
FOE-85046: We improved the Message Center. Similar to mobile, you can now select neighbors, guild mates, and friends from a list when adding them to the mail.
FOE-85138: The improved node marking has now been added to mobile as well.
FOE-85522: We did some rebalancing to Historical Allies:
Alexander the Great (uncommon)
increased Attack for Attacking Army from 90 to 95%
added 95% Defense for Attacking Army in GBG
Arminius (uncommon)
reduced Attack for Attacking Army Boost in GBG Boost from 135% to 95%
added 95%Attack and Defense for Attacking Army Boost in GBG
Arminius (common)
Boost changed from Attack for Attacking Army Boost in GBG to Attack and Defense for Attacking Army Boost in GBG (value remains the same)
Boudicca (common)
Boost changed from 30% Defense for Attacking Army Boost in QI to 90%Attack and Defense for Defending Army Boost in GBG.
Quantum Incursions
FOE-85287: Additional Quantum Actions per recharge cycle are now visually added without having to close QI or perform a fight.
FOE-85305: Having too many progress points for the chests would lead to a line break. It will now fit in the same line.
FOE-85332: Some armies in farming nodes on level 6 were missing a wave. It has now been added.
FOE-85375: Armies in farming nodes on level 10 had 250% army boosts. This has been corrected to 200%, just like in the announcement.
FOE-85418: Donating QI units counted towards "Delete units" quests. This is now fixed.
FOE-85475: The info screen still mentioned the manual unlock of difficulties. Since it is now automatic, it has been adjusted.
FOE-85541: The second set of rewards from the end of incursion chest was incorrect. It will now give you the correct set.
Guild Expedition
FOE-85225: The progress blimp would not appear after losing a negotiation. It now does, just like when winning.
FOE-85283: The guild info in the GE championship ranking showed the legacy ranking position. It will now display the GBG rank instead.
City & Settlement
FOE-84929: After doing a fight in the Egypt Settlement, you were no longer able to use the backspace hotkey to leave the settlement. It now continues to work.
FOE-85333: On the browser, boosted productions on a production tooltip were not marked green when they should. This has been fixed.
FOE-85433: Clicking the "Donate all FP" button would close the research window. It no longer does.
FOE-85392: The Building Flat Mode will now be unlocked together with the Reconstruction Mode in the research.
FOE-85352: Deleted decorations remained in Building Flat Mode. They are now correctly removed.
FOE-85110: Images were not displayed in E-Mails regarding validation/reset. They are now back.
FOE-85575: The battle window had a different height based on whether a tournament was currently running. The height is now always the same.
Mobile-only Changes
Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. Don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your mobile devices at the exact same time. Units & Battles
FOE-84726: Military buildings showed idle productions, despite no vacancies being available—leading to an internal error. This has been fixed.
FOE-84925: There was a discrepancy in the shown military boost values (like from Statue of Zeus) between browser and app. The values should now be consistent.
FOE-84972: The PvP Arena music would switch to the main city one when in the battle result window. This no longer happens and the music will be continuous.
FOE-85370: Goods icons on the QI map and unit icons from using a QI unit box now display QI icons as well.
FOE-85449: Surrendering while it is the enemy's turn would close your app. You are now correctly directed back to the GE map.
FOE-85236: The icon above the Antiques dealer was missing. It now has returned!
FOE-85347: The Cosmic Catalyst mentioned that it produces refined goods in Modern Era and above. Since it always produces current age goods, this part has been removed.
FOE-85354: The info in the Historical Allies building would say "Free rooms available," even when all rooms are full. This is now fixed.
FOE-85547: The app would close when trying to open Guild Expeditions and not able to participate yet. This is now fixed.
That's all for this update folks! The Winter Event is still running on the Beta Server and received some updates to the building stats! We also launched the changes to Guild Battlegrounds! You can test those additions and follow the development if you join our Beta Server!
Should you wish to give us feedback about this version, please visit us on Discord or Facebook!