How does the weekly culture cities rankings work?
In the weekly culture city you can fill crates with specific culture city resources (for example silk in China) to upgrade a specific Wonder in your culture city (for example the Chinese Wall in China). The weekly ranking is based on filling these crates.

Players that filled the most crates during the event will receive a reward:
- the 1% players with most crates filled will receive the gold reward;
- the 5% players with most crates filled will receive the silver reward;
- the 20% players with most crates filled will receive the bronze reward;
- the 50% players with most crates filled will receive the amateur reward;.
You will only receive a reward in the highest category you qualified for. This means a player in gold will not receive the silver, bronze or amateur reward. Be advised that the more crates are filled by players the requirements to become the x% of players increases.
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