8. Alliances

8. Alliances


How do I build up the Alliance City?

When working on improving your common city, each player acts as a single worker when performing different actions together. Generally, if more players work on the same task, it will be completed faster.

In the bottom left of the screen, you will find the Alliance Research Tree:

Here, you can choose which Quarters of the city you want to upgrade. Fill crates with Alliance Goods, or with Alliance Research Points in three different rarities:

Once you've researched new levels of your districts, you'll need to actually build them. To make it happen, enter the district of your choice to find out what amounts of Alliance resources are needed to build it. Fill the crates together with your alliance mates:

Then, all that's missing is the construction itself. Every member of the alliance can take part and contribute a certain amount of work per hour. Choose a slot to contribute your labor to the construction:

When you are done with the construction, you will be able to finalize the upgrade and use all the benefits provided by the new level of the Quarter.

Watch our video to learn more about the Alliance City feature: Go To YouTube

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