8. Alliances

8. Alliances


What do I need to know about incidents in the Alliance City?

The Explorers Quarter will allow your alliance to solve special Alliance Incidents together, which will grant rewards to each player who participated.

Each day, you can expect a maximum of two incidents to spawn. Their quality is randomly determined, but the higher the level of the Explorers Quarter, the higher the chance they will be better.
Tier 1 incident visible in the Alliance City

After an incident had been spawned, your Alliance has 8h to start solving it. If nobody attempts to solve the incident within that timeframe, it will disappear.
To start solving an incident, enter it and assign yourself to one of the free slots:

You have a limited amount of time to complete the incident, alongside your alliance mates. Every player who contributed work will get a reward, as long as at least one of the thresholds has been reached by the time the incident runs out.

Watch our video to learn more about the Alliance City feature: Go To YouTube

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