Fort Battles

Fort Battles


What are the rules that define the possibility of engaging in too many battles in a short period of time?

"Abusive / Spam Fort Battles" are battles primarily intended to interfere with the gameplay of others, without any legitimate purpose.
These can include:

  1. Intentionally interfering with other's scheduled or planned battles:
    - Digging within 3 hours of another dig by someone not in the same alliance, or during a time window of no more than 6 hours, as established by alliances representing a majority of regular fort fighters for recurring battles.
    - Declaring battles with 2 hours before or after an Awesomia battle organized by The West Team.
  2. Digging excessive numbers of "strategic multi" battles within a 1-hour window:
    - Generally, this refers to more than 2 battles by the same player, town, or alliance.
    Strategic multi = Declaring multiple battles in such close succession that defenders can only attend one, giving attackers the advantage of knowing which is the real target.
  3. Digging excessive numbers of battles within a 24-hour period:
    - Digging an additional battle within 6 hours of the previous battle when 4 or more battles are already scheduled.
    - OR, the same player digging 3 or more battles within a 24-hour period.
    - OR, the same town or alliance digging 4 or more battles in a 24-hour period.

For more information, visit the topic on the Fort Battle Spam Policy here. (URL to topic on forum about Fort Battle Spam Policy)

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