Fort battles are organized into rounds, with approximately one minute between each round.
In each round, every living player has the opportunity to shoot and then move, with movement performed automatically by an AI for offline participants.
Attackers can win by holding the flag for five consecutive rounds or by eliminating the defenders.
Defenders can win by surviving for 55 rounds or by eliminating the attackers.
Players shoot, if they can, and then move once per round.
The player order is determined as follows, in this order:
When two players have the same priority after the first three rules are applied, the tie is broken in the following order:
Each round, it is possible to move into any free field in your current sector or an adjacent sector that is not controlled by the enemy.
Longer distances will take multiple rounds to travel.
Online players can target a field by clicking on their character’s icon and then clicking on any field, even if it is occupied.
Until the target field becomes reachable, the AI will continue to move players randomly in the direction of the target, using the shortest path possible.
If two friendly players target each other’s field, the arrow indicating the movement path will turn green, and the players will swap places during the next round, even if neither field is free.
When shooting, players automatically direct their fire at the closest enemy visible to them.
Alternatively, if they have targeted their movement to an enemy-controlled sector, they will instead shoot at the closest enemy visible within that sector.
This allows for some degree of choice in aiming.
Friendly fire is not possible.
Areas of the map shown in grey are outside the player’s line of sight.
Players can still see what is happening in these areas; however, they cannot shoot at or be shot by enemies within them.
Visibility is not blocked by other players but by structures such as walls and towers with height.
The height is displayed in the pre-battle tooltips; however, this value is only used for calculations and does not directly affect gameplay.