Once a battle is over, all characters will be updated to reflect their new health, and knocked-out players will be sent to the hotel. A battle report is then sent to all players.
If the attackers win the battle and the fort is not under administrator takeover protection, fort ownership will transfer immediately.
The defenders will no longer have access to the fort, and the attacking town will gain full founder rights.
Other towns that participated in the attack will not automatically receive a membership slot in the fort.
A cooldown protection period of 24 hours will prevent further battle declarations on the fort.
Everyone who participated in the battle receives bonds and experience points.
The amount of experience depends on your level, the damage you caused, how long you survived, and whether you won or lost the battle.
You will even receive points if you passed out.
Additionally, any on-hand cash lost by players who passed out during the battle is randomly distributed among the survivors.
Each battle report shows how many bonds you earned and for what reasons.
The following factors all contribute:
Even if you qualify for more, you will never receive more than 26 bonds.