Tribal Wars is a browser-based game set in the Middle Ages. Every player controls a small village, striving for power and glory. Of course, you are not alone! All around you, other players have the same goals for their villages - to grow, expand, and to conquer. Everyone wants to have the largest empire in the game. You will need to build your village, recruit the troops to defend it and then use your troops to loot and pillage your surrounding villages, be it other players or the barbarians scattered around the map to gain an advantage over your peers.
First StepsIn the beginning you mostly need one thing: Resources. The timber camp cuts wood, the clay pit collects clay and the iron mine produces iron. The more you expand those buildings the more they produce. When you first join a world it is recommended to build up your resource production by a few levels.
After you have secured a good base production of resources you can start building troops. In the barracks (Level 3 Headquarters needed) you can start recruiting spear fighters. Spear fighters offer some protection against would-be attackers who might want to plunder your resources. They are not usually good attacking troops, but they are useful for raiding very small, undefended villages in order to plunder their resources.
In addition to recruiting troops, there are also other ways to help protect your village and defend your resources in the early stages of the game. One way to protect your resources is to build up your hiding place. The bigger the hiding place, the more resources are safe from attackers. Another good deterrent is to build a wall (Level 1 barracks needed). The higher your wall level the stronger your village's basic defense will be. This means your enemies will suffer higher losses when they attack villages with higher wall levels.
If you find you have excess resources, you might want to consider building a market. (Level 3 headquarters and level 2 warehouse needed). In the marketplace, you can see what your neighbors are offering and trade away resources you don't want. You can also create your own offers.
You should also look around your area to find a good tribe to join. It is always easier to fight and defend in a group. It is also a good way to meet some nice people!
ResourcesTo construct buildings or recruit units you need resources. You receive resources automatically from your resources production (timber camp, clay pit, iron mine). You also receive those resources when you are not logged into your account.
The amount of resources that you get depends on the size of your resource buildings. It is important to build up your warehouse to make sure that you don't lose the resources that don't fit. At the top right of your screen you can see how many resources your warehouse can hold, and how many you currently have.

The number on the right shows how many of each resources can be stored. In this example, a maximum of 400000 of each resource can be stored. The numbers to the left of that show the resource amounts that are stored right now (53313 wood, 222435 clay and 21519 iron).
Recruiting UnitsYou can recruit your first units in the barracks. To construct barracks you need to upgrade your headquarters to level 3. First you will only be able to build spear fighters; for other units you need e.g. a smithy and new buildings (such as the stables and workshop). In the Unit overview you can find a short description about the requirements for a certain unit and what its properties are.
Village OverviewThe village overview gives you a lot of information about your village on one page. You can see the size of your buildings, your current resource production, your troops and troop movements.
You can switch between the classical and the graphical village overview. The classical overview is a big advantage when you are on a slow internet connection. If you have a premium account you will get a lot of very useful added information like the production in your buildings, the amount of merchants and the time when your warehouse will be full.
Below is a labelled village overview that shows what the different buildings look like.
Construct BuildingsIf you want to construct a building, you have to click on the village headquarters and then click on "expansion to level X". You need the specified amount of wood, clay and iron. The exact amount depends on the kind of building and its level. The bigger you want to construct the building, the more resources are needed for the next level.
Additionally some buildings need other buildings at specific levels as a requirement. For example, you can only build a market after you have constructed a warehouse up to a certain level. In the headquarters you see those requirements as well as the costs. You find more about that in the Building overview.
Buildings do change their appearance depending on their size. Here you can see when the buildings change their picture:
| Level for second graphic
| Level for third graphic
Headquarters | 5 | 15 |
Barracks | 5 | 20 |
Stables | 5 | 10 |
Workshop | 5 | 10 |
| 5
| 15
| 5
| 15
Timber camp
| 10
| 20
Clay pit
| 10
| 20
Iron mine
| 10
| 20
| 10
| 20
| 10
| 20
Academy | x | x |
Rally point | x | x |
Statue | x | x |
Hiding place
| x
| x |
Church | 2 | 3 |
Watchtower | 5 | 15 |
Change Village NameYou can rename your village by going to the headquarters. On the bottom left under the buildings you see your currents village name, which you can edit and save with "change".
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