Daily Challenges

Daily Challenges


Which prizes are in the chests?

The chests can contain a lot of different rewards which are subject to change.
Which rewards you can get for which chest and the propabilites to get a certain reward are listed in the chest itself.

Daily ch propa.png

The different chests may contain some of the following rewards:

Possible Rewards
Allage daily chest small.png
Icon coins.png Coins
Icon supplies.png Supplies
Icon medal.png Medals
Bazaar 4.png Goods
Small fp.png Forge Points
Small blueprint.png Blueprint
Constructionmenu residential icon.png Residential Building
Constructionmenu workshops icon.png Production buildings
Constructionmenu culture icon.png Cultural Buildings
Constructionmenu decoration icon.png Decorations
Icon gift.png special buildings
Icon gift.png Consumable items
Constructionmenu military icon.png Units
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