SAM: What is the Space Age Mars?
New Horizons have been reached. Humanity's dream of reaching the stars becomes a reality in Forge of Empires today and an entirely new space race has begun. Your target: Mars! Explore the red planet's vast craters and deep valleys and extract resources for your city and colony. But be on the lookout: The IOU Corporation and other Mars colonies strive to use the planet's resources for their own purposes.
Space Age Mars
Space Age Mars is a complete new age you will be able to play after completing the Virtual Future. This age will not be released in parts. This time, you get to play its campaign, manage a space colony on Mars, experience story and side quests, find out about the new way of gaining resources and build the new great building right from the start!
Your colony on the red planet

Your colony on Mars is about survival, extraction and even conquest, so be prepared when you first arrive on the red planet!
Getting to Mars
To visit your very own colony on the red planet, click on the rocket in your city.
Expanding your influenceMars is the only place where the important resource Mars Ore can be found. Producing Mars goods requires you to gain and process this special ore, but other factions are competing with you to obtain it.

Open the Campaign Map and select Mars to be able to see where you can expand to and which places hold the coveted ore.

Once you have made your claim on the Mars Campaign, you will find special Mars Ore deposits on some of the sectors you have conquered. Click on the ore to send an exploration team to it. Depending on the ore, this may take some time to complete!

Once the exploration phase is complete, you can either battle or negotiate for the ore to process it further.
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