Quantum Incursions 3rd Championship
Important notice!
The newest Quantum Incursions Championship no.3 starts on 05 Sep 2024 on our LIVE servers.
The Championship no.3 will run for 4 Seasons instead of 6 in preparation for future adjustments to Quantum Incursions. This future update aims to adjust the feature balancing within the game economy and reduce the inner competition within Guilds that is currently being driven by the feature setup.
We find it crucial to adjust those aspects as quickly as possible in order to contain the potential negative impact. Therefore, we opted to change the duration of the Championship. Due the combination of those reasons and the overall importance of Quantum Incursions for Forge of Empires, we see no scenario that would allow us to maintain the regular duration.
To ensure you have enough time to collect Quantum Pass rewards in 4 seasons instead of 6, we lowered the number of progress points required to reach the next milestone from 100 to 60.
As for the future update, at the moment we cannot share any more details since they are still being worked on. Please rest assured that we respect your desire to know and will get back to you with a dedicated announcement on this topic before the Championship no.4 starts.
In addition, we're bringing more new Incursions with different rewards to suit your Guild's needs, as well as balancing changes, and Map adjustments. Continue reading for details!
New rewards and Incursions
Now that you've left the Dragon Valley and Drake Mountains behind, your Guild is approaching a new terrain. This time, you can choose between THREE new Incursion paths!

The Amaranth's Hydras Canyon
This fabled place is rewarding for those who stand its challenges! Guild who choose this path can win two new buildings, in addition to the Neo Colossus: the Neo King and the Neo Queen! This regal pair will provide the following bonuses:
The Celadon's Hydras Woods
In addition to the Neo Colossus, the woods hold the keys to the already-known Neo Tactician's Tower and Neo Sentinel Outpost.
The Glaucous's Hydras Shore
Once you make it to the shore, you and your Guild can embark on the journey to win: the Neo Colossus, the Neo Winners Plaza, and the Neo Botanical Rotunda you've seen in our previous editions.
All new Incursions will have the same Map layout, so choose rewards to your liking!
Balancing changes
As you play the Incursions more and more, we find new aspects to adjust to ensure the best balance for the feature. For the newest Championship, we applied the following changes:
- Donation Nodes: Reduced donation costs for resources, Goods, and Units
- Pass: Added a new Quantum Pass, replacing the current one!
- Rewards: Adjusted node and Championship rewards to account for corresponding changes
- End-of-Incursion Chest: Increased the number of progress points needed for the second End-of-Incursion Reward Chest. Currently, you need 50 points for the first Chest and 100 for the second. The number of points needed for the second Chest has been increased to 200.
- Actions: Reduced the overall number of Quantum Actions needed to clear all ten difficulties.
Map changes
The Maps are getting a makeover! Regardless of which new path you choose, your Guild can test the following adjustments:
- Map size: The early Maps are now larger, offering more choices to test your skill. Later Maps, on the other hand , are smaller for an extra challenge.
- Encounter difficulty: As you progress through the Maps, you will notice that encounters closer to the Boss are now more difficult.
- Encounter order: We've also brought more structure to the way encounters are positioned. They will appear in sequences, circling through offense, defense, and donation node types.
- Two Bosses!: To finish a difficulty, you will now need both your offense and defense prowess to defeat both Boss types.
Enjoy this sneak peek at a couple of Maps for this Championship:
Difficulty 1 | Difficulty 5 | Difficulty 9 |

We hope you are prepared for the new challenge and enjoy the well-earned rewards that come with it! As always, we invite you for a discussion on our Discord server!
your Forge of Empires Team
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