


Community vote I summary and Community vote II

Summary: community vote I

77,038 of you have participated in our first community vote held from April 26 to May 2, 2024!

We want to thank all the participants for their invaluable input! You did your part in shaping the future of Forge of Empires and gave our development team an even better insight into your needs.

Below, please find a table with top-voted suggestions and their status. And make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to participate in the new community vote!

Disclaimer! Please note that while your votes have played a significant role in determining the viability of suggestions, you will find that not all of the top-voted ideas could be selected for implementation. At the same time, some of the suggestions that didn't make it into the TOP-10 could be implemented. Suggestions can be rejected or put on hold due to a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Complexity and size. A seemingly simple suggestion might require a larger re-work of a feature or its UI elements, which significantly increases the time needed for its implementation. In the list below, you will see that many smaller suggestions were implemented, albeit being less popular. 
  • Time constraints. The game development process is split into two-week segments (sprints) dedicated to specific aspects of development, so we always have limited time for any topic. The development team's availability also plays a role. If an idea was not selected due to time constraints, its implementation may get postponed, but only if its priority remains high.
  • Prioritization. Suggestions can get deprioritized due to various reasons, and get overruled by high-priority topics, which can be both planned and unplanned. 
  • Planning. Some suggestions concern game aspects that require a complete overhaul rather than a number of assorted changes. Systemic changes like this require separate planning and implementation that is outside the scope of the development time dedicated specifically to community suggestions.
  • Other reasons. While we review the suggestions before the vote, each of them is up for a deeper investigation during the technical planning before implementation. At this stage, the team is likely to discover other factors due to which a suggestion can not be selected/ gets postponed. 
Number of votes
66709In the Event History window, show the summary of collections made in the City: collected items, their Age, Guild or general Goods, etc.Rejected due to complexity and potential negative impact on the game performance due to vast amounts of data needed for this feature.
52392Allow cancelling and re-starting productions from the production carousel that currently only allows starting productions.Implemented in the version 1.287.
40844Instead of receiving gifts and other items handed out to all players directly into your Inventory, make them claimable via the Message Center. This will also allow support to send items to players more conveniently. Considered, not selected for implementation due to complexity.
40705Make it possible to mark items as favorites in the Inventory.Considered, not selected for implementation due to time constraints.
37918In the Army Management window, completely hide or display the City's defensive army at the end of the unit list so as not to obscure the view of units needed for the current battle.Implemented, corresponding setting available in the Settings >> Display defensive units.
34868Make fallen units accessible for revival after the battle result window is closed.Implemented in the version 1.290.
34368Show an indicator that Daily Challenges are complete in any given game world to eliminate the necessity of having to open the Daily Challenges menu to verify their completion. Considered, not selected for implementation due to time constraints and lack of UI cohesiveness.
29664In the Inventory, suggest corresponding Selection Kits when searching by a building name.Implemented in the version 1.286.
28613Highlight incidents in the browser version of the game more prominently to increase their visibility on narrower streets and behind buildings. Implemented in the version 1.286.
26211Allow searching by a building set name in the Inventory and return all buildings of the set in search results.Implemented in the version 1.287.
25484When using Selection Kits to upgrade a building, make it possible to upgrade multiple times in a row without having to go back to the Inventory and select the Selection Kit again.Implemented in the version 1.286.
25463Do not suggest adding players with a full friend list as friends. At the moment, those players are suggested but cannot be added as friends.Rejected due to complexity.
22670Allow Guild Founders and Leaders to delete other Guild members' messages in Guild Threads only.Implemented in the version 1.287.
17351Improve the readability of army boost effect icons by showing the area of the bonus application separately and not right on the icon.Implemented in the version 1.287.
16879In the Reconstruction mode, show the building sizes and road requirements in the right-sidebar to make rebuilding and managing the City faster.Implemented in the version 1.287.
14528Make it possible to use various Boosts in bulk from the Inventory by adding the + and - buttons to increase/decrease the number of used items of the same type.Implemented for all consumable bonuses that allow bulk use.
13278Allow creating Goods offers on the Market in bulk. For example, make it possible to define not only the amount of Goods for the exchange but also the number of times an offer has to be posted. Implemented in the version 1.287.
12563Make it possible to sort items chronologically (or by other criteria) in the Inventory. Rejected due to complexity.
10785Implement the possibility to visit all Friends' Taverns with a click of a button, similar to Aiding All. In the process of implementation.
10718Add a setting that allows skipping animations in certain areas of the game. For example: the negotiation mini-game and Event animations.Rejected for the negotiation mini-game. Animations play while the game loads. If animations were to be removed, players would still need to wait for the game to load.
For Events, we add the option to skip animations where possible.

Community vote 2 is open!

Ideas that weren't considered but not initially selected for implementation are now back in rotation! Since the first community vote, we've released many new features, so it might be that your priorities have shifted since and you would rather see something else in the game. So we've gathered new ideas from our communities, the popular old ones that couldn't make it, and put them up for a vote!

Click HERE to cast your vote for community ideas and do your part in shaping the future of Forge of Empires!

The vote is open for one week: September 18, 14:00 CEST - September 25, 23:59 CEST

Select your language from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the form.

Important! Please remember that prioritization, time constraints, the complexity of an idea, and other reasons related to development still play a defining role in selecting suggestions for implementation. Nevertheless, your votes are invaluable in helping us understand the community's needs and shape a better future for Forge of Empires!

Your Forge of Empires Team

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