7. Battling

7. Battling


How do I set up my defenses in Player Encounters?

Setting up your defense army is very important, as otherwise you will only be defended by weak militia, making it easy for others to gain points by attacking you. The number of your Strategy Points will also slowly decrease if other players ​repeatedly ​defeat your defense army.

Tap the “Set Defense” button inside the feature screen to get started:

Here, you can replace the default army with some of your own available units by recalling the militia and placing your army instead:
This army will fight on your behalf against any opponent trying to attack you. 
Note that the units you place will be taken from your barracks and stationed permanently in your defensive army, so you will need to recruit them again. However, you don’t need to replace the army after each defensive battle, even if it’s lost. The units will always be available to face all attackers.

Remember to select your preferred commanders, too!

Finally, save the defensive army:

After saving, you will return to the feature screen. It might make sense to go to the city right away and re-train the units you just committed to the defense army.

Watch our introduction video if you want to learn more about the feature!
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