7. Battling

7. Battling


How do I gain Strategy Points in Player Encounters?

In order to gain Strategy Points and climb up the League Ranking, you need to challenge another player's defensive army.

To start an attack against another player, select “Start Attack”:

This will show a list of potential opponents. In addition to their name and era, you can also see units they have placed in their respective defensive armies.You’ll also spot two numbers: to the left - the Strategy Points owned by the player, and to the right - the Strategy Points you can earn if you win:

The list of possible opponents reshuffles every hour counting from the last reshuffling (so, when you first open the opponent selection screen, you will see a timer starting at 59 minutes). Reshuffling will also happen if you attack someone (regardless of the outcome). In that case, you will get a new set of opponents, and the countdown timer will also reset again. If you don't want to fight nor wait, you can skip the timer with Gems to trigger the reshuffling at will.

You always get a selection of easy, average, and difficult opponents, and you can get anywhere from 10 to 400 Strategy Points, depending on the balance of power between you and the other player. Hit the “Start Attack” button to begin! Keep in mind that using this button immediately removes one Attack Attempt, even if you decide to withdraw from the battle. Don’t worry, they regenerate at the pace of one every two hours.
Following the battle, you will see the usual summary screen with the addition of two elements:
You can see your new number of Strategy Points, as well as the current number of remaining Attack Attempts. The brackets show change compared to the state from before the battle

Watch our introduction video if you want to learn more about the feature!

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