


What are the different privileges in a Tribe?

There are a number of privileges that can be given to each tribe member.

Duke / Tribe FounderFound.png Setting someone to duke status makes this player Tribal founder, with all powers and rights in the tribe. They can disband the tribe, change its name and settings and edit other players' rights. Never give this right to a member unless you really trust them. They can disband your tribe, and once that is done there is no way to get it back. You will need to recreate it from scratch.

Baron / Tribal aristocracy Lead.png  Barons are able to set privileges and titles of other members and kick members from the tribe. You should be careful when giving out this right. A malicious baron could kick all the members of the tribe.

InviteInvite.png  Gives the player access to send invites to other players.
DiplomacyDiplomacy.png  Allows the players to edit the tribe's profile and edit the diplomacy lists. They can set which tribes appear as NAP, Ally or enemy.
Circular MailMass mail.png Gives the player access to easily send a message to the entire tribe. However, to send a message to more than three players a Premium account is required.
Moderator in the Tribal ForumForum mod.png Gives the player the ability to edit and delete posts in the tribe's internal forums.
Hidden ForumsInternal forum.png Allows the player to see forums that are marked as being invisible to normal tribe members.
Forums for trust-able membersTrusted member.png Allows the player to see forums that are marked as only being viewable by trust-able members.

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