


Your Order

My greatest achievement
Of all the great buildings I have made, this is perhaps my greatest achievement. For the grand architecture of this headquarters reflects the greatness in you, My Liege. We are ever your humble followers and just as the peasants look up to your palace, we advisers look up to you.
Reach building level 25 for the Headquarters
2 x Build Cost Reduction
The Hall of Orders
Your Grace, we have drawn up blue prints for three different options for your grand Hall of Orders.
The Templar Knights are very effective at lowering the cost of offensive units.
The Teutonic Knights are very effective at lowering the cost of defensive units.
Lastly, there is the Thieves’ Guild, who are very effective at lowering the cost of minting Coins. It is your choice which Guild we allow into our Halls, my Liege.

Reach building level 1 for the Hall of Orders
10 Berserkers
Your choice
If you are not satisfied with your Order, you can easily change it, but you must first buy out the original Guild. This would cost 200,000 Wood, 200,000 Clay, and 200,000 Iron. If you are happy with your chosen Guild, I believe it is wise to continue improving upon the Hall.
Reach building level 2 for the Hall of Orders
10 Trebuchet
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