All things Forum! Do you love discussions and helping people? then our fabulous forum may be your perfect setting.
Our Forum community is a valuable setting that gives our wonderful players a great environment to discuss all things Elvenar and take part in great debates and more
Game contests are held here, offering great prizes and of course Diamonds to be used in the game, all contests are created by our Forum moderators to bring entertainment to our players on a monthly basis.
A desire to help your fellow players
Excellent game knowledge
Good written communication skills
Ability to keep calm and restore calm if discussions become heated
Desire to be a part of a dedicated team
and last but not least
The ability to uphold our Forum and Game Rules
If this sounds like your ideal volunteer role, do not hesitate to apply to join us, we would be delighted to welcome you to the team!
in anticipation!
Your Elvenar team