Top o' the morning, Forge Fans! Paddy McCharms is back in town and ready to help guide you through the preparations for this year's St Patrick's Day event!
The St. Patrick's Day Event will start on January 18th, and will run until February 8th! |
You'll need to complete Paddy's quests to earn the Pots of Gold needed to navigate your way through the event. You'll also be able to pick up 100 free Pots of Gold each day from the Daily Bonus Quests!
Opening the event window will show you an overview map of the event town. To the left of the river is marked the festival and the shipyard, and to the right are a number of factories which each produce items you'll need for the festival. Selecting any of these factories will initiate a production, and when complete you can select it again in order to collect the production. This will add Shamrocks to your stockpile!
Be vigilant, however, as you will need to transport these Shamrocks to your festival using the ship. Selecting the ship will initiate a voyage to collect and transport the Shamrocks from your factories to your festival. Only when fully collected is the cycle complete!
If you have built up a stockpile of Shamrocks and wish to use them all quicker, you can check the 'max' box. This will automatically invest the maximum amount of Shamrocks in a factory with just one click. You can also spend your Pots of Gold to speed up your productions, and skip 2, 4, or 8 hours at a time.
Now that you have all of your factories working, it is time to hire managers for each of them. Select the top hat to hire a manager; this will automate the production of Shamrocks, and also improve the output of the factories. The festival and shipyard can also each have a manager so you can automate the entire process. Level up the managers for even better efficiency!
You now have all the resources you need to start completing some tasks! You can find three tasks at a time at the top of the event window. Once a task is complete, you will be prompted to collect it. Completing and collecting tasks will increase your progress toward the Grand and St. Patrick's Prize. For more information on your tasks, click on the grey arrow to the right of the tasks bar.
Each time you complete and collect a task, a new one will fill its place until all the tasks in that town are complete. At the latest, you can now move on to the next town by selecting the 'Next Stage' button in the bottom right. You will also have the chance to bag some extra prizes from the end-stage chests! One chest can be opened for free, but if you open all 6 you will win the bonus prize in the top right. Be wary though as each chest will increase in cost, so make sure you have enough Pots of Gold to open the chests you want!
In addition, a discount for opening all chests at once is available! The discounted amount will always stay the same, so the more chests you open with this new button, the better the discount!
Too much information to process? Do not despair! For the first town, you will only need 1 million Shamrocks to proceed to the next town. Remember: Shamrocks are required to move from one town to another, the tasks are not necessary.
You don't need to collect all tasks in order to proceed and unlock a new town. Starting from the second event town, as soon as you gather 8.4 quadrillions of Shamrocks, you can click on "Continue" to advance and still keep your grand prize progress (in other words, the task progress). Once you've selected your stage prizes, the town progress will be reset and this gives you the chance to start the production over and earn yourself even more Grand Prizes.
This button will light up as soon as you have 8.4Q Shamrocks
For this year's St. Patrick's Day event, we have added boosters that help you reach your goals faster. These boosters can only be earned by completing tasks in the Rival Challenges, that happen during the event. However, you will start with one of each, to test them out.
The boosters can help you upgrade your managers, skip time or reduce the costs to move to the next town.
Quick Promotion | Hire your upgraded managers without spending Pots of Gold. | ||
Time Warp | Fast forward all your productions by 2 hours without spending Pots of Gold. | ||
SwiftSham Savings | Get an instant discount on Shamrocks needed to proceed to the next town. Usable once per town. |
Name | Celtic Tavern - Level 7 (6x5) | Enchanted Celtic Tavern (6x5) | Mystic Celtic Tavern (6x5) |
Permanent Effects: |
1d Production: |
| 3860 to 260000 |
1d |
Requires Road Connection: | yes | yes | yes |
Behold, the upgrade to last year's Archdruid Hut!
Name | Sacred Archdruid Hut (5x4) |
Permanent Effects: |
1d Production: |
1d |
Requires Road Connection: | yes |
We also have some exciting new upgrades to more of last year's prizes!
Name | Sacred Tree of Silence (1x1) | Sacred Tree of Vitality (1x1) | Sacred Tree of Patience (1x1) |
Permanent Effects: |
1d Production: |
1d |
Requires Road Connection: | yes | yes | yes |
A unique new building, that can only be received in the Gold Pass of the event or from the Pagan Harvest Selection Kit!
Name | Sheep Shire (3x1) |
Permanent Effects: |
1d Production |
1d |
Requires Road Connection: | no |
Exclusive to the Silver Pass and Pagan Harvest Selection Kit is this excellent new addition to your towns!
Name | Rune Garden (1x3) |
Permanent Effects: |
1d Production: |
1d |
Requires Road Connection: | yes |
Name | Celtic Glassworks - Lv. 1 (2x2) | Celtic Glassworks - Lv. 2 (2x2) |
Permanent Effects: |
1d Production: |
1d |
Requires Road Connection: | No | No |
The St. Patrick's event will include two additional Rival Challenges throughout the event. In those challenges you will be able to win the new boosters, Event Buildings and even a Sacred Archdruid Hut Platinum Upgrade Kit!
This year's event will also include leagues, giving you the chance to win even more prizes!
Name | Apothecary of the Highlands - Lv. 1 (3x3) | Apothecary of the Highlands - Lv. 2 (3x3) | Apothecary of the Highlands - Lv. 3 (3x3) |
Available in: | Bronze League | Silver League | Gold League |
Permanent Effects: |
1d Production: |
1d |
Requires Road Connection: | No | No | No |
Shamrock Sage | Gaelic Grace | Clurichaun | Ashen Aisling | Clover Shepherd | Crimson Charm | Emerald Sonnet | Pictish Pilgrim |
Quest Reward | Quest Reward | League Reward | Grand Prize | Silver Pass | Silver Pass | Gold Pass | Gold Pass |
Luck of the Irish to you!
Your Forge of Empires Team