Battle Guides & Systems

Battle Guides & Systems


Guild Battlegrounds: what is attrition?

Attrition is a stacking debuff that affects your performance in battles or negotiations as you progress through the Guild Battlegrounds. Every time you successfully complete a battle or negotiation, you gain 1 point of attrition. As your attrition increases, so does the difficulty:

  • Enemy units become stronger in combat.
  • Negotiations require more resources or goods to succeed.

You can view your current attrition level, as well as the exact debuff percentage by hovering over the attrition symbol in the top left corner of the GBG interface:


There is no way to avoid attrition altogether, and once it accumulates, continuing to fight or negotiate becomes more challenging. The attrition level resets daily at midnight, giving players a fresh start each day.

Province buildings and attrition 

To mitigate the effects of attrition, various province buildings in Guild Battlegrounds provide a percentage chance to avoid gaining attrition after a battle or negotiation. Effectively, it means that if your attrition reduction chance was successful, you will not gain +1 attrition level. And if it wasn't, +1 attrition will be credited as usual.

Specifically, there are four types of buildings that provide a chance to avoid gaining attrition:

  • Buildings with 20% reduction
  • Buildings with 40% reduction
  • Buildings with 60% reduction
  • Buildings with 80% reduction (only in the HQ province)

The effects stack, meaning that if multiple buildings are constructed in the same province, their bonuses are combined to increase the chance of avoiding attrition. If you place buildings that in total generate more than 80% of the attrition reduction chance, the value will still be capped at 80%. More on that below.

Please remember that apart from those buildings, some province fortifications will cause players to gain double the attrition. Namely, they are Decoys and Traps aimed at the opponent players. Decoys will increase your opponent's chance of gaining double the attrition after a successful battle or a negotiation on your province by 15%, and Traps — by 40%. 

Important! Attrition reduction cap

The maximum combined reduction you can achieve is 80%, meaning your Guild can build enough of these buildings to reduce the chance of gaining attrition to only 20%. On average, a player will gain 1 point of attrition every 5 battles or negotiations.

Keep in mind that this is just an average value. It is possible to gain 10 attrition in a row, even when you only have a 20% chance of gaining it, and not gain any attrition 20 battles in a row.

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