


Discover the new Guild Expedition Trials!


The Guild Expedition is a beloved feature in Forge of Empires. However, it has been static, lacking room for further difficulty enhancements, especially with increasing attack and defense boosts. We're excited to introduce:

The Guild Expedition Trials!

Starting on March 4th, these new trials let you maintain the current challenge level, simplify it, or make it even tougher! Here are more details on what these trials entail:

What are the Guild Expedition Trials?

At the onset of each Guild Expedition (GEX), select a current trial — an additional difficulty layer to the existing 5 difficulty maps. You'll need to unlock previous trials to access higher ones. Higher trials offer better rewards.

All players start with Trials 1 to 8 unlocked.


The overview shows recommended attack and defense boosts for trials and a selection of potential rewards. We have several trials available for you to conquer with time. The current balancing requires a significant increase in army boosts for higher trials, presenting a formidable challenge. Therefore it might not be possible to beat higher trials right away.

With higher trial selection, the following will scale:

  • Enemy army boosts
  • Negotiation resource costs
  • Fortification build cost
  • Fortification army boosts
  • Contribution points gained
  • Required guild goods for higher difficulties

Once a trial is selected, you play through the 5 familiar difficulty levels, now with additional changes! Please keep in mind though, once a trial is a selected for the week, it cannot be changed.

What else is new?

1. Attack and Defense Boosts changing per Encounter
The familiar 5 difficulty levels remain, but defensive and attacking armies are mixed across all maps now - instead of facing only attacking armies on difficulties 1 to 4 and defensive ones on 5th difficulty.


Army distribution may change weekly, yet all players will face the same army distribution on identical trials to ensure same conditions for everyone.

2. All Special Resources needed for Negotiations
We added special resources, like Mars Ore, to the negotiation pool, previously limited to Promethium and Orichalcum.


3. Reward Pool for Encounter Rewards

For each encounter, you will now see the exact rewards you receive rather than a selection from reward pools.

With the update

You are also able to see all possible rewards for a trial in the trial selection window.
Note: This reward overview will only be available on mobile with game version 1.304, which hasn't been released yet.

4. Fortification Update

Fortifications have been upgraded. Previously on the 5th difficulty only, they're now available on all difficulties and now boost both defensive and attacking armies:

  • Eagle Warrior Temple - Increases attack of your defending and attacking army.
  • Jaguar Warrior Temple - Increases defense of your defending and attacking army.
  • Great Warrior Temple - Increases attack and defense of your defending and attacking army.

Of top of this, we have also added a new Fortification - The Twin Serpent Temple!

The Twin Serpent Temple allows you to switch the army boost type of an encounter. For instance, convert an encounter from defending to attacking, and vice versa, according to your higher boost advantage.

It is to note, that not every encounter offers to build all available Fortifications as you usually have a selection of Fortifications available. Fortifications are also encounter based and don't change, meaning that it doesn't matter if you at Trial 2 or 15 encounter 20 will always offer the same Fortifications to build. Also Trial 1 doesn't offer to build any Fortifications at all.

New Rewards

Explore new rewards in the GEX reward pool. Visit our detailed breakdown here: Guild Expedition Trials: Rewards

What Remains Unchanged?

The Guild Championship mechanics of the Guild Expedition remain stable — the first guild to complete all encounters continues to secure 1st place in the Championship.

Your Feedback & Questions

Given the significance of this update, we have compiled the most common questions into a Guild Expedition Trials - FAQ. We're also eager to hear your thoughts on these changes, so please share your feedback on our dedicated Discord server.

We look forward to seeing how you conquer the new trials and achieve greater rewards in the Guild Expedition! 
Your Forge of Empires Team

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