Guild Expedition

Guild Expedition


Guild Expedition Trials: FAQ

In this FAQ you will find the most common questions and their answers regarding the Guild Expedition Trials.

Are trials unlocked for the whole guild?
No, every player unlocks the trials individually. However unlocking the levels remains the same, so your guild still has to pay guild goods for that.
Does unlocking levels still require the same amount of goods?
No, this has also been adjusted. The amount for every player now scales with the highest unlocked trial by that player.
How many trials are there?
Currently there are 30 trials available. However you only start with trials 1-8 and unlock higher ones, once you complete the previous trial.
Is the Temple of Relics affected?
No, it still provides the same rewards with the same chances. It has not been changed.
Is the Forgotten Temple still available?
 Yes it is! You can win fragments on every trial, with the full amount of 50 fragments at trial 5.
Can you still win diamonds?
 Yes, diamonds are still available. The amount depends on the trial you selected.
Why should I play higher trials?
Higher trials offer a greater difficulty. However in return you will also receive more and better rewards and Contribution Points, the more difficult it is!
Will unlocked trials remain when you leave your guild?Yes, once you unlocked a new trial, it will remain active, no matter what guild you are in.
Are medals cost to buy attempts still the same?
Yes, they work exactly like before.
Are Contribution Points and Guild Power changed?
Yes, in addition to the age scaling, higher trials will now also provide more Contribution Points. The same applies to Guild Power.
How many trials do I unlock, when I beat one?
You will always unlock the next 3 trials. This also means, that if you already unlocked trial 10, but only beat trial 9, you will still unlock trials 11 and 12. When you beat trial 10, you will unlock trials 11, 12 and 13.
Why is it now harder?
This might be, because the army boosts no longer scale with your age. In every age, the boosts and negotiation costs are now the same and only scale with the selected trial. Only the units and goods themselves change based on your age.
How do the rewards in the Guild Expedition work now?
Instead of having a set pool for every encounter you now have a more general pool for multiple encounters. This pool can stretch over multiple difficulties. In addition, some encounter rewards are set and will not change. 
How is the unlock cost for levels 2-5 calculated?The costs currently still scale with age. In addition to the old calculation, there is now a multiplier applied to every players costs based on the highest trial completed. If no trials has been successfully completed yet, no multiplier is applied. You can find the list of multiplier per trial below.




If you have a question about the Guild Expedition Trials that haven't been answered in this FAQ, please head over to our official Discord server, where other players and our team will gladly help answer any questions you may have.
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