Quantum Incursions

Quantum Incursions


Quantum Incursions: Why do my buildings produce so few resources?

The resources produced by your buildings in the Quantum Settlement depend on how much Euphoria there is in your Settlement. Like in the Main City, unhappy residents produce fewer resources. 

In the table below, find how low and high Euphoria may affect your productions

Euphoria stateEuphoria ratioProduction modifier
RebellingBelow 20%0.2
UnrulyBetween 21% and 60%0.6
UnhappyBetween 61% and 80%0.8
NeutralBetween 81% and 120%1
ContentBetween 121% and 140%1.1
HappyBetween 141% and 200%1.2
EnthusiasticGreater than 200%1.5
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