Quantum Incursions

Quantum Incursions


Quantum Incursions: What kind of nodes can I encounter?

Here's a breakdown of icons you will see on your Quantum Map and how to interpret them:


Attacking/Defending ArmyAttacking/Defending LieutenantDonation: Goods/Coin & Supplies/UnitsStronghold Attack/DefenseAttacking/Defending GarrisonReinforcing GarrisonAttacking/Defending Boss
Battle encounters with average strength enemiesBattle encounters with stronger enemiesOn these nodes, you will need to donate these resources to clear the nodeThese encounters with stronger enemies provide buff to the Boss node while not cleared!Once cleared, these nodes with stronger enemies strengthten your Guild in the Boss fightStrengthten your Guild in the Boss fight by clearing this node using unit donationThe strongest enemy of the current Incursion difficulty. Clear this node to finish the difficulty and move on to the next!

Look out for a challenge! Battle encounters may provide a special bonus for using specific unit types. Look for an indication: "Defeat this army using only this type of units" to gain more progress points and rewards.

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