Quantum Incursions

Quantum Incursions


Quantum Incursions: The Quantum map — how does it work ?

The Quantum Incursions Map is the ultimate journey that will take you through various encounters until you face the final Boss.  

To move from one node to another, you will need to spend Quantum Actions. These are topped at 100,000 and will recharge at the rate of 5,000 an hour, a setting boosted by your Settlements' residential buildings.  


Once you reach a node, you will be faced with an encounter. There are several possible types of encounters


Attacking/Defending ArmyAttacking/Defending LieutenantDonation: Goods/Coin & Supplies/UnitsStronghold Attack/DefenseAttacking/Defending GarrisonReinforcing GarrisonAttacking/Defending Boss
Battle encounters with average strength enemiesBattle encounters with stronger enemiesOn these nodes, you will need to donate these resources to clear the nodeThese encounters with stronger enemies provide buff to the Boss node while not cleared!Once cleared, these nodes with stronger enemies strengthten your Guild in the Boss fightStrengthten your Guild in the Boss fight by clearing this node using unit donationThe strongest enemy of the current Incursion difficulty. Clear this node to finish the difficulty and move on to the next!

Look out for a challenge! Battle encounters may provide a special bonus for using specific unit types. Look for an indication: "Defeat this army using only this type of units" to gain more progress points and rewards.

Battle Encounters

Battle nodes can pose an extra challenge that will require you to clear them using only certain unit types. Manage your Settlement and coordinate with your Guild to always have Guild mates who can complete a challenge. Those who do will get rewarded with extra Progress Points and a boosted potential reward from a node. 

Click on the active node to enter an encounter. 
When you enter a node, you will see a bar showing the number of progress pots that you and your guild need gather in order to conquer the node.
On the screenshot we marked the preferred units. Using only prefered units when you fight will yield double the progress compared to using other units

This is the number of Quantum Actions you have currently. If you are running low, you can buy more Quantum Actions for Quantum Shards by pressing the + sign
This is how you can start a battle. It costs Quantum Actions. Press the button in the lower part of the window to pay and enter the battle
This window shows potential rewards when attacking the node. The chance of getting a reward when you take an encounter (fight) is shown beneath the Chest
 If you are lucky, you will get one of the rewards shown when you have completed a fight successfully.

Donation Encounters

Donation encounters can require donations of coins, supplies or goods. Like the battle encounters every donation costs Quantum Actions
Like in battle encounters, you can receive double progress for using only specified resources
You can use the MAX button to donate as many ressources as you Quantum Actions and resources allow with one click
If you run out of Quantum Actions, you can always buy more for Quantum Shards

Once you have completed a difficulty in the current Incursion, one of your Guild's Quantum Officers will need to unlock a new difficulty level so your Guild can continue onto the next Map.

Quantum Incursions Battle Boost

You main city boosts do not, with a few exceptions, apply when you are fighting in the Quantum Incursions. The exceptions are boosts from the Tourney Grounds and the Forgotten Temple as well as certain Cultural Settlement buildings once the Polynesia Settlement is released.

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